On 3-4 May 2022, the first VET-EAR RoadMap transnational project meeting took place at YA- Vocational College of Ostrobothnia, in Vaasa Finland where partners from Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy, North Macedonia and Spain finally could meet in person!

The idea of the project is to strengthen the access to paid work-based learning abroad, in the form of international apprenticeships, both on secondary and tertiary level. All partners in the project are from different parts of Europe, with different apprenticeship systems and are therefore welcoming a more unified European understanding of the apprenticeship system – to meet the need for information and support when employers recruit international students on apprenticeships.

This is what we in the project got to work with during these two days. We strive to increase the attractiveness of the VET-education and information about international apprenticeships in the ever-changing world of work. Many European employers have experience of national apprenticeship agreements but face new challenges when hiring foreign apprenticeship students, which may involve unknown educational and employment formats. The differences in legislation and the lack of information about the different methods, routines, and grant opportunities can also be a hindrance.

The work in the project is done in small teams. The meeting kicked off with a tour and information about YA but was followed by a teambuilding assignment in order to in a fun and relaxed environment create a bond to the other participants (see pic). The idea was to choose a partner (which you know least) and through visual communication paint a portrait, without looking into the paper or lifting the pen.

During the two meeting days the project members in their respective team worked on following project results:

  • a comprehensive guide of European Apprenticeship systems and project results
  •  a survey made for national employers with questions concerning apprenticeship and in particular international ones
  • creation of a content website for the project
  • creation of a visual canvas

The result of this transnational meeting was not only to finalize drafts for the above-mentioned expected results but also to discuss and plan concerning the next steps and activities. And not to forget – also to have fun together! The fun was also extended on to a cultural excursion in the Ostrobothnia landscape and culinary world!