Charlottenlund Upper Secondary School is a combined school with both general studies and vocational studies. We have 1200 students and 50% is vocational students. CVS is also responsible for education in Trondheim prison. CVS has about 230 employees ( 200 teachers). CVS is also a university school in collaboration with The Norwegian University of Technology and Science. The VET-system is dual with 2 years in school and 2 years as apprentices in companies. CVS is situated in Trondheim: the third largest city in Norway. CVS has a hundred years history in vocational education.
CVS is a public school and owned by the regional council of Trøndelag. At CVS we have focus on completing and a safe and motivating learning environment for everybody.


Official Website:

Contact person details:

Anne Sophie Hunstad
+47 95263009

Jason Edward Ready
+47 41127924